Credential Renewal

Each NAAEI credential must be renewed annually. To renew a credential, a credential holder should:

  • Log into their NAAEI PACE account, the Platform for Apartment Credential Engagement
  • Pay the renewal fees as indicated on the invoice;
  • Submit documentation of all necessary CECs.

All credential renewal applications must be submitted through NAAEI's PACE, the Platform for Apartment Credential Engagement.  Your renewal application will appear in the portal 90 days before it is due.  At that time, you will be able to pay your renewal fees.  You may submit your continuing education credits (CECs) at any time during the year and they will be automatically applied to your renewal application.

Rules of Submission for CECs

All CECs required for the renewal period should be earned during the certification term plus the grace period following it: a total of 15 months from the day you obtained your credential or the date of a previous renewal. Individuals who hold multiple NAAEI credentials may use the same CECs for renewal of all credentials. The total number of CECs that you must report is indicated on your invoice.

  • CAM and CAPS - 8 CECs with at least 5 CECs from in-network sources
  • CALP (formerly NALP), CAS, and AIME - 5 CECs with at least 3 CECs from in-network sources

Sources of In-network CECs

A minimum of one half of your required CECs per renewal period must be attained by participating in NAA, NAAEI or NAA affiliate courses, seminars, programs or activities. These include:

  • Any courses offered by your local affiliated apartment association
  • NAAEI-approved courses offered live or online through Visto
  • Apartmentalize and other NAA conference sessions (live or recorded)

A maximum of two CECs can be reported from the association participation activities below:

  • Participating in apartment industry legislative events
  • Instructing NAA, NAAEI or NAA Affiliate courses without compensation
  • Serving on NAA, NAAEI or NAA Affiliate boards and committees

Sources of Out-of-network CECs

The other portion of your required CECs may be obtained by participating in the following programs or activities.

  • Courses from housing organizations (e.g., IREM and NAHMA)
  • Courses approved by State Real Estate Boards
  • Courses from accredited colleges and universities
  • NAAEI-approved online courses from NAA Top Tier Partners and NAAEI Partners

A maximum of two CECs can be reported from the industry participation activities below:

  • Serving on boards, commissions, and committees related to the housing industry
  • Instructing apartment industry courses without compensation
  • Writing articles published in apartment industry publications without compensation

Corporate in-house training courses and training that does not meet the criteria listed above are not accepted for continuing education credit.

Accepted documentation for education programs includes:

  • Certificate of course completion
  • Transcript or exam results
  • Receipt of payment for education program showing number of CECs earned
  • CEC reporting form from a NAA affiliated apartment association  

Click here for more information on renewing your NAAEI credential.