Luncheon Meeting: State of the Industry

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (CDT)
Category: Luncheons

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Understanding the economic factors affecting the local apartment industry is important for those that are making business decisions for their apartment communities.  Tim McKay and Brandon Lamb of Newmark will provide an overview of 2024 and an outlook for the 2025 eastern Oklahoma area apartment market.


March 12
11:30 AM Check-in & Lunch Begins
11:50 AM Chairman's Welcome & Announcements
12:15 PM Guest Speaker Presentation
12:50 PM Door Prize Drawings & Closing Remarks
Door prizes will be given away to residential property management professionals at the end of the Luncheon Meeting.  You must be present to win.
Supplier Members are welcome to bring door prize donations to the Luncheon Meeting. Please turn in your door prize donations at the check-in area when you arrive, and don't forget to include a business card with your door prize!
1:00 PM Meeting Ends

   Register by March 4: $49 per member/$69 per non-member
   Register March 5-10: $59 per member/$79 per non-member
   Register on March 11: $69 per member/$89 per non-member

Cancellation Policy:
Reservations may be canceled up until Tuesday, March 4th at no charge.  If reservations are canceled after March 4th you will be responsible for paying for the reservation in full.  You can send someone in the place of the person registered for no additional charge.