MeadowBrook Country Club | 9300 East 81st Street, Tulsa | www.meadowbrookcc.net
We have one flight of golfers this year.
7am check-in / 8am Shotgun Start (must be finished golfing by 1:00pm)
Lunch will be from 1-2pm in the Clubhouse.
This years theme is Summer! Use this theme when setting up your hole station and/or picking out your attire. Awards will be given to the best decorated hole station, best decorated sponsor golf car, & best dressed team of golfers.
Food & Beverage:
MeadowBrook Country Club does not allow outside food or beverage to be distributed on the
course, including water. If you would like to hand out drinks or snacks on the golf course, they need to be purchased through the golf course by contacting Haley at hstubblefield@meadowbrookcc.net. To help expedite the process when you arrive & ensure you get the drinks you want, we will be taking pre-orders for drinks. You will receive an email with
pre-order drinks menu & pricing.
Orders must be placed for drinks by 12pm on Monday, June 9th with Cherice. If you place a pre-order you will need to drop off an ice chest labeled with your company name to the Meadow Brook Clubhouse by 5pm on Friday, June 13th so the golf course can have your drinks iced & ready for you to pick-up the morning of the tournament. If you would like to have an ice chest to hold beverages, you are responsible for bringing the ice chest. Keep in mind what you are ordering & the size ice chest you will be bringing. If there is a chance that what you order won’t fit in your ice chest, bring multiple & keep in mind your ice chest needs to fit on the golf cart for transporting to your hole. The golf course does not have extra ice chests to loan out.
Please note, MeadowBrook Country Club does not have an ATM machine.
RETURNING THIS YEAR! On-demand Beverage Cart service for golfers. Call 918-254-7961 or place drink orders through the golf car to be delivered to golfers on the course. If they want to start a tab, they can leave a credit card at the bar when they check-in.
Goodie Bag Items:
If you would like to have any items placed in the goodie bags, please deliver them to the TAA office by 4pm on Thursday, June 5th. We will be assembling 150 goodie bags. Snacks/beverages are allowed in the goodie bag, & it’s a great opportunity to give away some of your promotional swag! Brochures & business cards are also welcomed. Only Golf Classic sponsors are given this opportunity.
Hole Sponsor:
If you are a hole or contest sponsor you have the opportunity to sit at your sponsored hole & greet players as they come through. Let us know if you plan to be at your hole. You can hand out
promotional items or any food & beverage ordered through the golf course. See Food & Beverage
section for information on ordering. We recommend that you bring at least a chair & umbrella if
you plan to be stationed at your hole. Hole sponsors are welcome to setup a game at your hole—
this is a great way to interact with the golfers on the course. RETURNING THIS YEAR! Golfers will vote for their favorite hole station & the company with the most votes will win the Best Hole Station Award. This year we’re raising money for The Lindsey House (www.lindseyhouse.org), so if you setup a game at your hole we encourage you to raise money for this organization. The ‘Show Me The
Money’ Award will be presented to the sponsor hole station that raises the most money for the charity during the Golf Classic. If you’re planning to setup a game at your hole, you’ll need to get approval from the committee for your game. This will ensure we don’t have duplicate games & that games won’t interfere with the golfer’s competition . Email Cherice at cmorris@taaonline.org
by Thursday, June 5 to let us know if you plan to be stationed at your hole, & the details of the game you plan to have at your hole.
Golf Car:
There is a limited number of golf cars available. We will have a few golf cars operated by volunteers
to help sponsors with setup & tear down at your hole & the volunteers will be driving around
the course during the tournament to provide assistance to sponsors stationed at their hole who
don’t have access to a golf car. Only Beverage Cart Sponsors will receive a golf car &
have free-range of the golf course, other sponsors must remain at their sponsored area.
This tournament is a scramble. Players move their ball to the site of the best shot of all four team
members, & take their next shot from there. Each team must use each players’ drive on at least
two holes. To keep everyone moving on the course, Bogey is the maximum score.
Lunch will be served from 1:00-2:00 pm in the Clubhouse. If you are not a golfer, or did not receive lunch tickets with your sponsorship package, but would like to join us for lunch you will need to purchase a lunch ticket online by Monday, June 9th. Lunch tickets are $40/per person until May 15 & will increase to $50/per person May 16—June 9. No physical Lunch Tickets will be
distributed— your name will be on a list.
The awards presentation will be in the clubhouse following lunch. Awards will be presented to the first, second, third, and last place teams, random team drawing for winnings, as well as Men’s/ Women’s Closest to the Pin and Men’s/Women’s Longest Drive contests. There will also be awards for Best Dressed Team (golf team that has the best attire related to the theme), Best Hole Station Award (sponsor that receives the most votes for the best hole station setup), and the Show Me the Money Award (sponsor company that raises the most money for Lindsey House).
Door Prizes:
We would appreciate any items you would like to donate for door prizes. Items can be delivered
to the TAA office by Friday, June 13, or you may bring them with you to the Golf Classic.
Please email Cherice at cmorris@taaonline.org if you plan to donate door prizes. Door prizes will
be given away during the Golf Classic event & you must be present to win.
Dress Code:
Men’s shirts must have collars. Women’s & men’s shorts must be of Bermuda length or a style
specifically designed for golf (no shorter than mid-thigh length). All the following types of clothing are prohibited on the golf course & practice facilities: swimsuits, t-shirts, denim, gym wear (running
or coach’s shorts, athletic type warm-ups, etc.), tennis-length skirts, cut-offs, tank & halter tops.
Management reserves the right to regulate footwear worn on the golf course.
This dress code applies to players, sponsors & volunteers.
Don’t forget to incorporate our Summer theme in your attire this year!
The TAA Community Outreach Committee has chosen to raise money for The Lindsey House. Money
raised from mulligan sales & hole sponsor games on the golf course will be given to this great
organization. The Lindsey House empowers mothers on the journey to independence through
learning life skills, financial literacy, & workplace proficiency. Learn more at www.lindseyhouse.org